The project rests on three Work Packages, each responsible for a set of situated research and practical actions. Work package 1: Critique of Computer extends the critique of digital technology to reconsider the foundations of computer theory in relation to the concepts of locality, negentropy, anti-entropy, data economy and networked AI by developing the concepts of technodiversity and cosmotechnics. The main objective of WP1 is to develop methods from Digital Studies in relation to individual eco-logical contexts that will able to address the questions of locality, negentropy and others with regard to social practices. This is to defy the the current context of big data and Artificial Intelligence, where in thinking and communication (noesis) seems reducible to calculation represented by computational models of language processing. To question enthropy (optimisation, standardisation) requires the encouragement of other forms of thought (noodiversty) by means of new philosophical concepts (e.g. cosmotechnics, technodiversity). WP1 explore historical computer foundations and current computer theory for the design of new ecological and organological forms of computation. This WP is led by IRI and UPL that have complementary experience in digital studies and noetic perspectives. Their critique of computation will go alongside organological research that experiments with human and computer functionalities in the living territories (see WP2 and WP3), combining the theory of computation with human computer interface design and artistic research. WP1 entails mobility between researchers from TU Dublin and Uartes and IRI and CSSD as well as exchanges between researchers from Paris Lumiere , TU Dublin, Uartes and Berkeley. The interaction between academic and non-academic partners will allow for the implementation of the theoretical models into specific contexts; Work package 2: Existential Territorial Laboratories – Locality and Noodiversity aims to rehearse and introduce new forms of collective responsibility through territorial experimentation, enabling new forms of citizen participation in local governance by means contributory research. This is to encourage thinking that the technological organisation of local milieus encourages the emergence of little ecological niches and microwords defined by their own interiorities. WP has two main objectives. First, it aims to provide international experience of contributory research methodologies to academics and citizens. Second, it aims to enable researchers from different disciplines to engage in localised research projects (e.g. in Paris, Ecuador, Dublin, Silesia). WP2 will establish modes of territorial experimentation for the development and implementation of contributory research process. The leader and and the main beneficiary of WP2 – UARTES – offers an outstanding experience in territorial experimentation and socially engaged projects. IRI and University of Silesia will support WP2 and learn from URATES’ experience of contributory research and its implementation. Effects of WP2 will be discussed in an international forum generated during the ERs and ESRs secondments in these territories. All partners will be invited to take part in the development of a toolkit which will be tested in a variety of social contexts. The specific training of this WP will include the development of research methodologies through digital studies, contributory research and artistic research to engage with citizens and localised problems (e.g. the implementation of scientific norms in relation to fishing Islands, the development of digital literacy for young adults and teenagers in relation to the use of social media within specific communities). “Therapeutic niches”, created for that purpose, will allow for the cultivation of the different (local) forms of knowledge via “therapeutic diversity” and the systematic valorization of local negentropic activities. The aim is to recreating or restoring local forms for balancing the dynamics between techno- and bio-diversity of a given territory as well as for the reconstruction of more sustainable urban, peri-urban and insular territories. Among the expected outcomes of WP2 will be the toolkit for territorial experimentation and for smart territorial development and organisation implemented by means of networking events (exhibitions, workshops). Work package 3: The Archipelago of the Living intends to develop a network of territorial laboratories of digital contributory research in order to study constraints on living archipelagos with regard to the ecological niches of species that inhabit the same territories. This is to generate a local understandings of singularities and functional cooperations between territorial laboratories and academics in light of the planetary threat. WP3 is a contributory research program that will bring together fishermen, farmers and inhabitants of insular territories exposed to tourism flows as well as academic researchers from various disciplines, including biologists, geographers, computing theorists, artists, economists and lawyers. WP3 aims to develop the modes of contributory research and contributive economies in local territories by drawing on the studies from WP1 and the experiments from WP2. WP3 will expand from the urban experimentations in WP2 to rural implementation in territories and islands (morphological and metaphorical) to systematically explore relations between humans and other species in the contexts of rurality and urbanity (urban agriculture, urban recycling and upcycling). The aim here is to develop intersectoral solutions (academic and non-academic) which take into account local contexts (locality) and which maximize the possibilities coming from digital technologies to harness the singularities and value of living territories and the cooperation between the living lab territories and academic laboratories. The secondments of WP3 will focus on the development of contributory research within different rural localities including Saint Denis, the Galapagos Islands, and Sherkin Island.